For all sorts of tech projects from guitar pedal stuff to random tear downs and soldering journeys.

re-assembly of an HP laptop that required complete tear down to replace the cpu cooling fan

SP-404SX – Mod 1 – top mounted 1/8″ headphone jack.

The bottom mounted 1/4″ jack is awkward for lap use and always need adapter for most ear buds/headphones I use.

SP-404SX – Mod 2 – mic capsule move- improved fidelity.

The mic sounded very hollow and lo-fi. I wanted to see if I could improve it by moving the capsule close to the grille and remove it from the cavity it was in. It worked beautifully.

Pedal related

Misc items generally related to DIY guitar pedal building.

Roland SP-555 tear down and headphone jack mod.

Tear down and add 1/8″ headphone jack to top of unit.

Ross Mark 85 tape recorder.

Needs some troubleshooting. Very low volume but works otherwise.

Tiny clickless fx loop.

Needed to engage more than 1 effect with 1 button so I made this fx loop with  a noiseless kit from AMXFX –

DIY pedal build #1. Z-Vex Machine clone- “Macheen”

My first ever. What fun! And sounds as nasty and interesting as the original.

Gateway (Acer) LT2104U netbook tear down.

Wanted to apply new thermal paste to cpu to try and keep fan from running as much.